Online Banking: A Comparative Analysis of Some Selected Banks in Bangladesh
The report is focused mainly on the internet banking services offered by some selected banks in Bangladesh. This report is about the online banking comparative analysis of some selected banks in Bangladesh. It is a process that makes customers of a bank or financial institutions able to perform the banking transactions or activities sitting at a cozy corner of their respective home, without having to physically appear at the counter of the banks or financial institutions. It is also known as Internet Banking or Virtual Banking. This thesis report has focused on finding a comparative analysis of online banking systems offered by some selected banks. The main objective here is to find out which bank offers what kind of facilities through the internet banking.
After the collection of data regarding the selected banks, a comparative analysis is done to summarize the services offered by those banks in a table. From this, it is easy to determine which bank offers a very wide range of online banking services, whereas which banks offer very limited online banking services.
Out of all the banks operated in Bangladesh, I selected seventeen banks to compare the online banking services offered by these seventeen banks. The selected banks are, Sonali Bank Ltd, Janata Bank Ltd, AB Bank Ltd, Bank Asia Ltd, Brac Bank Ltd, Citibank N.A., Dhaka Bank Ltd, Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd, Eastern Bank Ltd, Exim Bank Ltd, IFIC Bank Ltd, Mutual Trust Bank Ltd, South East Bank Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank Ltd, City Bank Ltd, HSBC and Trust Bank Ltd.
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