The Role of Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. in Bangladesh Capital Market
The capital market is a vital organization for the economic development of any country. The capital market deals with business organizations and the government regarding different securities. It engages in the exchange of stocks, bonds, treasury bills, notes and other capital instruments. It acts as an intermediary between the buyers and the sellers in terms of trading securities. The business companies and the government are able to sell different securities to the people through the capital market and get long-term funds. Though the capital market of Bangladesh is small compared to the other capital markets in Asia, it is among the largest capital markets in the South-Asian region. The capital market highly depends on the Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. The roles of the Dhaka Stock Exchange Ltd. significantly influence the capital market. Currently, there are two stock exchanges in Bangladesh, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) is in the top position. Most of the companies in Bangladesh have business transactions with them. They are trading securities with the people through the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). The DSE has so many products by which they are operating business and generating high profit. They are grown continuously since the foundation of their business. At present, this stock market provides around 515 securities for 248 companies. In this study, there are a total of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction part. The second chapter represents the literature review, company & industry preview. In the third chapter, the methodology is specifically discussed. In the fourth chapter, my internship experience of myself is provided precisely. The fifth and last chapter represents the recommendations, findings and conclusion. Currently, the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) has a high reputation and excessive clients and earns a high amount of revenue per month. It is developing gradually and it is predicted that the organization will be capable to implement more growth in future.
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