Internship Report on Akij Food & Beverages Limited (AFBL)
Internships are a required part of the Bachelor of Business Administration curriculum.
The importance of the internship and the tasks done during that period are highlighted
in the report. Among the active indigenous enterprises in Bangladesh, Akij Food &
Beverage is the most well-known food and beverage company. When you first join the
company, you'll see that there are a lot of different departments with different functions.
The internship was held in the CSR and Trust department of AFBL.
The sole purpose of the CSR project is to help people. The goal of the CSR activities is
not to increase sales for the company but to help a business to create a sustainable
brand image in the long run. The internship report demonstrates how the CSR project
operates, how it benefits the firm and mass people, and how it develops.
In chapter one discussed about introduction of the report, contextual of the report,
objective of the report. After that in chapter two explain about the company, their
mission, vision, analyzing AFBL’s industry where I try to explain about their products,
rivals or competitor and threats, substitute of their product. Industry analysis, where
briefly discussed porter’s five factors and external, technological factors which
influenced industry for a long run.
Chapter four is allocated with my internship experienced. Gathered all my experience
how I started my first corporate life. First few days were training session as we were
new and none of us had any experience of office work, positions of the department,
contributions, skills I learnt and applied to my work and application of academic skills
which we learnt from our beloved university. In conclusion chapter five summarized if
recommendation to AFBL can be improved their operations and work. Concluded with
key understanding of my work and conclusion.
- General [1378]