SWOT Analysis of AKIJ Food and Beverage Limited
In Bangladesh, the production of food and beverages is a rapidly expanding industry that provides employment for a sizeable percentage of the country's population. There are around 246 firms in Bangladesh that are classified as medium-sized that are involved in the processing of food, and approximately 8% of the total workforce in the industrial sector is devoted to the promotion of these businesses.
Through the rapid delivery of products and services of an exceptionally high standard, AKIJ Food and Beverage Limited (AFBL) has in a very short amount of time established itself as a significant player in the sector. The company has achieved a dominant position in its industry as a result of its dedication to quality, implementation of cutting-edge technology, cultivation of human resources, and introduction of new products tailored to meet the needs of growing markets. The main purpose of the study of the report is to analysis on how AKIJ group captures the markets in food and beverage industry of Bangladesh as well as study on their competitive situational analysis for the growth of the organization.
After analyzing the SWOT and company analysis, some of the challenges have been sorted for AFBL on their food and beverage business. Due to prioritizing the retention of existing customers, Lack of product Development in the competitive Market, government rules and regulations, CSR activities there is a high risk of competition among the current market competitors and they need to take some steps to keep the leading position in Bangladesh. Beside, the threat of a prospective new entry with an international brand in Bangladesh’s F&B market is high.
Therefore, some recommendations for AKIJ Food and Beverage Limited are provided in this report based on the findings of this study, which might assist in understanding the current difficulties they face in the growth of the business in food and beverage industry in Bangladesh. AFBL should use a variety of materials to construct barriers against as well as need to take some innovative marketing strategies for it.
- General [1378]