Analysis of LankaBangla Securities Limited and Overall review of Securities Management Industry
The internship reports highlights the analysis of securities management industries of Bangladesh and the analysis of lankabangla securities ltd and furthermore the whole internship experience. As internship is mandatory after the completion of all academic courses in BBA, so I have done the whole internship report under the supervision of Professor Dr.Mohan Udddin. The core objective of the report is to analyse the overall stock market, measuring performance of the lankabangla securities , and provide some recommendations etc.
The whole report is consist of about six chapters from them the first chapter is all about the introduction about the securities management industries and the objective and significance of the report where I have describe that there is two objectives of this report and there is many significance. At the chapter two I have discussed about the industry analysis where it has been presented the specification of securities management industries ,and its size ,tend maturity and this industries all external, internal factors, the difficulties of this industries , the challenges this industries are facing and the opportunities they can grab.
On chapter three it has been fully discussed about organizations means the lankbangla securities ltd where it has been discussed about their current financial position where we can see that the revenue of lankbangla securities is 1,151,170,490 tk which has increased than the previous years(1,824,261,261tk) but the ultimate gross profit has been decreased than the previous years, also discussed about their product and service , about their customers and the whole operations of a branch how the all task in a brokerage house has been completed and finally the swot analysis of lankabangla securities ltd and recommended that they overcome their challenges and strategies to grab the opportunities. The fourth chapter is all about the discussion of my internship experience, where I have explained about my department which was Business Development ,about my duities ,responsibilities ,and skill that I have learned from lankabangla, the academic knowledge and skills that applied on my internship period etc.
The chapter five where I have described about the recommendations which will help the organization to grow and develop and also added some recommendations to develop myself in the area of my time management, my shyness to express something etc.
Finally the last chapter which is conclusion of the report where I have preview the current situation of securities industries and added some words about lankabangla securities ltd.
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