Financial Performance Analysis of Bank Asia Limited
Well, Bank Asia which is one of Bangladesh's largest and oldest banks. Private commercial Bank Asia does business all throughout Bangladesh. The analysis of the Financial Performance of Bank Asia Limited from the fiscal years 2017 to 2020 which is the main goal of the study. I applied conventional methods of financial performance analysis, such as ratio analysis.
Analysis indicates that they were able to cover all of their liabilities and manage their present assets. The significant decline in profitability ratios from 2018 to 2019 indicates that Bank Asia Limited was not operating efficiently during those years, and they were unable to sustain major profitability ratio components like net profit margin, return on asset, return on equity, etc.
But High leverage ratios show that Bank Asia Limited is taking on more risk when performing banking activities. We can conclude from the analysis that the bank's overall results are poor, and the management should focus on improving its performance.
- Finance [263]