Financial Performance Analysis of Urmee Knitwear Ltd.
This report is prepared based on “Financial Performance Analysis of Urmee Knitwear
Ltd” The main objective of the report is to analyze and discuss the financial
performance analysis of Urmee Knitwear Ltd. To calculate different types of ratios of
Urmee Knitwear Ltd, to identify the areas of concern and to make some
recommendations the basis of findings are also the objectives of this report. The
report is analytical in nature which briefly reveals the analysis of the financial
performance of Urmee Knitwear Ltd. Annual reports of Urmee Knitwear Ltd were the
major secondary data sources in this aspect. This study has been conducted by
collecting data for the period of last three years (2018-2020). Urmee Knitwear Ltd is
setting new level in the field in the time of unstable economic conditions.
- General [1378]