Internship report on “General Banking Operations & Marketing Activities of EXIM Bank Limited”
Banks are the most essential financial intermediaries considering they play quite a significant role in the economy. The banking industry is largely responsible for keeping funds flowing from depositors to investors. This paper is the fruit of a three-month internship program that yielded excellent results. It illustrates the picture of General Operations that the EXIM Bank Limited conducted. EXIM is a Bangladeshi private commercial bank that plays a significant role in the country's fin tech markets. During my internship, I was allocated responsibilities in EXIM Bank’s numerous departments, eventually being involved in the general banking activities sector and seeing EXIM Banks operations. The overall aim of this study is to have a reasonable comprehension of EXIM Bank’s general banking operations and marketing activities. Opening and closing accounts, issuing and delivering cheque-book, providing customers with account statements, and processing pay orders are all examples of general banking operations. Marketing activities include price, promotion, people, place etc. of the EXIM Bank. From topic selection to final report preparation, the study necessitates a systematic approach. The first three chapters provide a quick review of the background, company overview, and general banking operations, as well as an organization profile with its vision, goal, and objectives. The third chapter provides a synopsis of internship experiences. I examine the full Marketing Activities in the fourth chapter. In the fifth chapter, I concluded this study by making some recommendations and drawing some conclusions.
- General [1378]