Internship Report On The Effect of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Practices on Organizational Performance: A Study on AB Bank Limited
Businesses nowadays face several hurdles. So they're coming up with solutions. Human resources are vital to a firm's success and competitiveness. Many researchers believe that an organization's success is dependent on people as much as systems. When people are seen as a vital resource, strategic HRM is more likely to be incorporated into strategic outcomes. Human resources are no longer seen as a discrete component of an organization's overall strategy for long-term competitive advantage. As a consequence, designing and administering an HR system or process around business requirements is inadequate. Managers must also consider the company's long-term goals. The strategic viewpoint of HR emphasizes HR's involvement in business performance. The main purpose of the study presented in this report is to understand how the factors of SHRM can affect the organizational performance of AB Bank Limited of Bangladesh.
The first chapter summarizes the study's objectives, scope, limits, and methodologies. The literature review is in Chapter two. This chapter will offer key literature on the topic of this study. The third chapter discusses about the AB Bank Limited's corporate profile, including product and service offerings, culture, and strategies of the HRD. The outcomes of this study were described in the fourth and fifth chapters, which focused on the effect of strategic human resource management practices on organizational performance at AB Bank Limited. On the basis of the study's findings, significant aspects such as recommendations and essential understandings have been provided in chapter five of the report. Finally, the conclusion part is presented in this portion of the report.
- General [1378]