Recruitment and selection process of GDIC and the impact of Covid-19
The report topic is “Recruitment selection and changes during the pandemic Covid- 19“ .In the main body part of report I have discussed about the recruitment and selection process of the GDIC and total selection process of the company. In the finding and analysis part I have discussed the information that I gathered from the company. They follow a very good flow of recruiting and selecting people and hiring right people to the right place. In GDIC, they follow to many references to recruit employees. Their employee turnover is almost close to zero because GDIC understands the employee needs and supports them as much as possible. After that I have talked about the changes that occur in the workplace of GDIC during the pandemic. I have given the information on how they are managing the work during the lockdown. What changes happened during the pandemic, how company reacts to these changes. In the final section I have given some recommendation to GDIC to be a better place to work for employees.
- General [1378]