Recruitment and Selection Process of Hotel Bengal Blueberry
The internship report was prepared as a requirement for the completion of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. I acquired great hands-on experience while working as an intern at Hotel Bengal Blue Berry, which I have outlined in my report.
I have completed the study on “Recruitment and Selection Process of Hotel Bengal Blue Berry and the changes during COVID 109 pandemic." The major objective of this report is to illustrate how the human resources department of Hotel Bengal Blue Berry operates and implements the recruitment and selecting process in their hospitality service sector. I have described the HR activities, following staffing strategy, recruitment and selection process, the changes of the process during COVID 19 and my internship experience in this report and divided the whole write up into six chapters.
The first chapter includes an introduction part such as background study, objectives, scope, limitations, and methodology of the report.
The second chapter includes the literature review part. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide information collected from relevant literature addressing the subject matter of this study.
The third Chapter deals with the overview of Hotel Bengal Blue Berry, its strategic plan for hospitality services, facilities & accommodations, HR operations and so on.
In fourth chapter, I have explained the Recruitment and Selection process of Hotel Bengal Blue Berry as well as the new changes during Covid-19 and what alterations they have made in these functional activities during Covid-19.
However, my internship experiences such as positions, duties, responsibilities, training, and contributions to department are elaborated in chapter five.
On the basis of analysis part and internship experiences at Hotel Bengal Blue Berry, some obstacles for HRD of Hotel Bengal Blue Berry are highlighted in chapter six and added some recommendations. Finally, I have concluded this report in this chapter.
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