Operational strategy of Special Asset Management Department and HR procedure of IDLC Finance Limited
IDLC starts its journey on 1985.In the perspective of non-banking financial history of Bangladesh, IDLC Finance is the largest financial institution. SAM Special Asset Management and CD Consumer Division of IDLC Finance established as one of the beginning divisions and play a vital role apart from the all departments. With its brunches and departments along with skilled and experienced employees ,SAM became one of theinnovator department of the institution.
Maintaining assets of consumer division is SAM departments main role. SAM and credit risk management (CRM) department of IDLC finance limited works together always. Sustaining the reward above the risk is the main purpose of these two departments of IDLC. The main role of SAM is to ensure the collection of the money where the money is overdue or normal with not only efficient but also effective manner. To build a cost effective Collection process, which is error and risk free, pro-active, and information based SAM is always oblidge.
This report contains a descriptive study of Special Asset Management of IDLC Finance and some of the main issues of Non-Performing Loan. Special Asset Management works relatively with the Consumer Division of IDLC Finance Limited .Moreover report also shows the challenges, recovery plan, and observed present development of the Special Asset Management. Some statistical illustration of the performance of SAM also elaborates on the report. The main findings of this report is to find out effectiveness and efficiency of SAM through analyzing the NPL growth relating with the financial industry in Bangladesh.
During the internship program, I got the opportunity to work closely at SAM . While preparing the report lots of challenges I faced and tried to construct this report with the amount of resources I had. The report contains a comprehensive explanation about Special Asset Management of IDLC Finance. It also explores to explain the overall guiding principles and course of actions of SAM and its competence descriptively and figuratively. I have built-in some findings, regarding on the issue of NPL. Lastly, some recommendations also given for any further research regarding this topic.
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