Agent banking and It’s Prospects in Bangladesh- A Study of Janata Bank Limited
Agent banking basically give bank related services to the apart from ordinary bank branches beneath tenable agent contract by engaging agent. In 2013 agent banking was foremost served in Bangladesh-by-Bangladesh Bank. The main goal of the agent banking is to give service to the impoverished portion of the demography. Following the guideline of agent banking, the main software of the bank will be attached with the agent point software by the agent. So, the transaction that will happen in agent center will be shown in real time banking procedure. Open or create a branch in earmarked venue is too much expensive. For the non-banked people, they try to increase the agent banking.
Janta Bank Limited does not have any agent Banking system now. But they are ready to launch the agent banking system in Bangladesh very soon. After analysis about the agent banking system, they see that the growth of agent banking system is increasing day by day and also if they launch agent banking then they will provide their service in all area and also they will satisfy their customer and also their economy will be in growth situation.
The report is form of six chapters. At first in my report, I give Introduction part, I also talk about the objectives, methodology of study for collection of information, scope and lastly limitations that I have faced during finding and analysis prospects. In 2nd chapter I talk about the literature review. The work about agent banking and its prospects in Bangladesh that have been done in previous. After that I discuss about research methodology, like research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, data collection, reliability and validity. Later on, I have discussed about the company profile, organogram, product, services, strength, weakness, opportunity and analysis. Then I have discussed about the findings and analysis of agent banking In Janata Bank Limited, in this part I have share the information about agent banking, the guideline of agent banking that will have to follow Janata Bank Limited, and also try to share overall brief of Agent banking based on Bangladesh Bank. Last but not the least, in last chapter I have share my own recommendation to improve their service in agent banking.
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