The Islamic Banking Industry of Bangladesh & Social Islami Bank Limited and its general banking activities: An Internship Experience Perspective
An internship program is an important element of gaining real-world job experience. Better collaboration between theory and practice may be established to accomplish this program. A three- month internship at Social Islami Bank Limited culminated in this paper. I learnt numerous banking functions and the step-by-step banking system while finishing an internship.
In the first chapter, I covered the essential portion of the report, which has grown to correctly complete the entire report. The objectives of this report are to show the overall analysis of Islamic banking industry with statistical data, to assess and present Social Islami Bank Ltd's strategic stance and describing my internship experience in SIBL. The significance of the report is to give ideas to policymakers, so that they can create new policies for the organization by looking at the recommendations given in chapter 6. Also this report is significant for the Islamic banking sector since it contains a detailed analysis of the industry's environment, thus participants in the business, can gain a thorough understanding of the sector. The second chapter shows the overall analysis of Islamic Banking Industry in Bangladesh, the barriers to entry and the challenges they face have been extensively discussed. With diagrams and charts the size, trend, maturity, and number of banks in Bangladesh from an industrial standpoint has been analyzed, which reflects the growing nature of Bangladesh’s commercial banking sectors. The third chapter provides a detailed analysis of the Social Islami Bank Limited as well as an overview of the industry. In the fourth chapter, shows my internship experience at Social Islami Bank Limited - Corporate Branch, which is the most significant aspect of my report, has been extensively covered. Moreover it carries information about my job position, duties, and contributions to departmental functions, as well as my observations and assessments, which helped me to build recommendations. In Chapter 5 and 6, there are conclusion and recommendations. Where I have given recommendations how SIBL can improve its performance in general banking activities. As to gain competitive advantage and to survive among other established competitors, SIBL can recruit employees, expand general banking department, and use modern technology to give fast service to its customers. They should provide training sessions to their employees for better output. Finally, an evaluation is provided that shows that Social Islami Bank Ltd. delivers better service to its clients, which is critical to the economy of our country.
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