Consumer Brand Equity Measurement on Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Bangladesh
The project study is about the Consumer Brand Equity Measurement on the Telecommunication Industry of Bangladesh. Here, I cover the six components of Brand Equity-Brand Association, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, and Brand Perceived Quality, Brand Preference, and Brand Experience. Here I also analyze the Telecom industry of our country using porter’s five forces model. The measurement of Brand Equity was evaluated and analyzed by conducting the survey. In the end, the country leading operator Grameenphone gets the highest mark in survey results.
The mobile telecommunication industry in Bangladesh incorporates four authorized portable phone operators: Teletalk (State-owned), Grameenphone, Banglalink, and Robi (which as of late joined Airtel). In terms of client inclination to choose from which brand they take benefit of versatile media transmission, measuring client brand value can be compelling to get which brand larger part of clients incline toward. In addition, the value of the brand could be a great indicator for understanding past activities and the course of future activities for marketers, dynamic in defining procedures for a given brand. In case, at the time, the client has created a favorable demeanor towards the brand, this clearly demonstrates that the past speculation (time, money, etc.) has found its stamp. The show too marks how marketers ought to arrange a course to attain the specified results. But one aspect is very clear that brand awareness, perception may be a key factor in building up the value of the brand.
- Marketing [303]