Internship Report On “Marketing Activities of Corporate Ask"
Corporate ASK is a fastest growing CV/Resume based company in Bangladesh.
Their main purpose is to present the youth in the job market according to their skills
and to eliminate the unemployment of the young society. They are always tried to
capture the youth market who are seeking to guidelines for building his career. In this
report in the chapter two, overview of the corporate ask are discussed where
includes their history, mission, vision & their core values, 4ps of marketing mix, sales
& revenue data of 2020, their current situation of the business & external
environments which means internal & external factors & competitive analysis for
understanding the competitiveness of their business & strategy planning. In chapter
three is covered by my job responsibilities & gaining practical knowledge as a
marketing executive during my internship period in Corporate ASK. In chapter 04,
findings & discussion part is covered where I have discussed about their marketing
policies, their online & offline promotional activities & showed some campaigns
which are related to their online & offline marketing & sales activities. And the last
chapter, on the basis of the study & findings part I gave some recommendations for
developing their business’ marketing & last conclusion part is covered
- General [1379]