Audit procedure of alternative cash incentive in Howladar Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants
The report titled “Audit Procedures of Alternative cash incentive at Howladar Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants” is a result of the BBA in AIS internship program. the report has been written on the basis of my practical knowledge and experience which I got from Howladar Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants for three months as an intern. This report is prepared all about the procedures of cash incentive audit. Government encourages the exporters by providing cash incentive facilities. But in reality, fake exporter claims incentive. So, an Auditor’s duty to identify who is the eligible and qualified to get the cash incentive facility. In this report are
discussed the purpose and reason of cash incentive, checking the file evaluate the export documents, history of the cash incentive and back ground of the Howladar Yunus & Co. Chartered Accountants service provided by the firm culture of the firm, result and all other information of the firm. Here circular of the Bangladesh Bank get the most prioritize where auditing the incentive files, the first part of the report is all about the reason, purpose and limitation of the report. The second part described the background of the CA firm. Third part is the literature review of the report. After that forth part describe the theoretical framework on audit procedures of alternative cash incentive. And fifth part of the report is discussed analysis and findings where export document procedures are checking, query meet up with the applicants then certificate signing by the partner of the firm is briefly discussed. Here some limitation I have observed while working on the firm. I have suggested some recommendations to overcome those obstacles and limitations.
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