Analysis of Islamic Banking industry and Shahjalal Islamic Bank Limited: An internship experience perspective
This report based on my experiences and learning outcomes of the three months of internship. This report will explain the Islamic banking industry and economic, financial industry of Bangladesh. The scope of growth is very high and well known in this banking industry. The objective of the report is analysis the overall Islamic banking industry and condition of Shahjalal Islamic bank Ltd. And identify the related major things. The report will help external and internal people as well for making decision.
Bangladesh is a poor small country but there are so many bank and financial institutions in this country. There are ten Islamic banks in Bangladesh who doing their activities. SJIBL is also doing the best role in this competitive market. The growth of the SJIBL is good, the whole Bangladesh Islamic banking industry is improving day by day, the growth is constancy which is good for Bangladesh economic.
Shahjalal Islamic bank started its journey to attain its vision and mission on the 1st day of April 2001 under the Companies Act, 1994 as a Public Limited company. SJIBL believes that success depends on the ability to consistently satisfy the ever-changing choice of the customer. The industry's total worth, according to key industry stakeholder organizations, across its three main sectors (banking, capital markets, and TAKFUL), was estimated to be USD 2.05 trillion in 2017, marking an 8.3% growth in assets in USD terms, and reversing the preceding two years of assets' growth stagnation (2017: USD 1.89 trillion vs. 2016: USD 1.88 trillion).
In this report the political factors, economic factors, technological factors, and buyer-supplier’s power of the Shahjalal Islamic bank Ltd. Are identify in this report. The government’s role in finance is much border than the others. The world now becoming technological based the banking industry also adapting the trend. Economic factors are directly affecting in banking industry because they have positive relationship. The buyers and suppliers are the main power of Islamic banking industry. After the PESTEL analysis we can say it has moderate effect in the industry.
This report based on the study of the Islamic Banking System of SJIBL. Some external sources helped me to know more details about the conditions of Islamic Finance in Bangladesh. The data was collected from both secondary and primary sources. Some personal observations and findings have also been given in this report. This report is also representing my learning outcomes throughout my internship period. I have also witnessed how appropriate leadership, good corporate governance, and effective use of technology and creativity can help achieve exponential growth as a Financial Services providing company even in Bangladesh.
Shahjalal Islamic bank limited have a well operational team who provide service to the customer based on the products. They have proper products chart for the customer with the rate. So, customer can easily choose what actually he/she wanted. SJIBL have opportunity to extension the market and they have some challenges such as service charge, less ATM booth. If they meet up with challenges, they have a great opportunity in the market for becoming best. Because there are other 9 Islamic bank in Bangladesh, they provide more facilities to the customers. So, capturing the market and increase the share price SJIBL have to focus on the opportunity and challenges.
- General [1379]