Comparative Analysis Between The Theory With The Application Of Labor Law Practices At Pakiza Knit Composite Ltd.
This is a report that which I have prepared to fulfil requirement of my internship. I have
worked 3 months at Pakiza Knit Composite Ltd, factory, situated in savar. I am making this
report to do comparative analysis between the compliance issues and HR practices of Pakiza
Knit Composite Ltd and the compliance issues and HR practices of blue collar people, I have
read in the book and to find out the relevance and application of the theoretical knowledge in
practical life.
This report has been completed by taking information from different relevant sources. For the
secondary data, I have used the website of this factory. I have also take information from
Wikipedia. In addition, I have taken some information from the journal, Year book and
prospectus. Primary data collected by working Pakiza Knit Composite Ltd.
This report has seven Parts. First part is introduction of report. In part two I’ve discussed the
company overview. In part three I have discuss the Literature review. In part four I have
discuss body parts of the report which includes preliminary and condition of employment and
service, maternity benefit, safety, working hour and leave, wages and payment thereof. And
chapter five is all about conclusion. Reference and appendix are included in the last part.
- General [1379]