“Comprehensive Analysis of Firm Performances of Banking Companies of Bangladesh- a case study on Al-Arafah Bank Ltd”
The Report titled “Comprehensive Analysis of Firm Performances of Banking Companies of
Bangladesh- a case study on Al-Arafah Bank Ltd” is the aggregation of the experience during
the Internship Program. This Program helps me a lot to learn about the practical situation of
financial as well as also to implement my theoretical knowledge into practical environment. The
report has been segmented into 5 Different Chapter. Chapter 1 covers Introduction of the study,
objective, Methodology, Limitation and Scope. Chapter 2 covers organizational Overview of AlArafah islami bank. In Chapter 3 I will discuss about Literature Review on Financial
performance, Non Financial Performance and determinants of Financial Performance on Al
Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Chapter 4 Covers Industry review on banking Companies. In Chapter 5
Cover finding and analysis in this Chapter will discuss about 5 Different Scenario. like Compare
Average liability, Compare Average Assets, Compare Average Assets to Equity ratio, Compare
Average Cash flow from investing activities and Compare Average Paid-up capital to Authorized
capital. Last part Discusses about the problem and it also tries to solve some of the problem
through recommendation in this part.
I have faced many challenges in different steps of banking activities. I also tried to overcome
every case. Al-Arafah islami bank limited is a scheduled commercial bank is registered by the
Bangladesh Bank. It follows the rules and regulation prescribed by the Bangladesh by the
Bangladesh bank for schedule commercial Banks.
- General [1379]