General Banking Features of a Private Commercial Bank: A case study of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.
This report is a pre-requirement for the competition of BBA course, to get knowledge of practical banking activities. I have done my internship in Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Dhanmondi Branch. Banking is now more valuable and important part of our economic system. Modern trade and commerce would almost be impossible without the technology of suitable banking service. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. is the first and major privet sector commercial bank in Bangladesh, which is fully owned by Bangladeshi Entrepreneurs. The bank started its operation from June 18, 1995. Now with its 184 branches in all over the country AIBL serving its valued customers through diversified banking activities. The whole banking process of AIBL is divided into 3 sections. These are: 1. General Banking, 2. Investment and 3. Foreign Exchange Division. Here, first chapter basically I introduced AIBL, in the second chapter, I discussed about overview of AIBL. In the third chapter, I discussed about my experience in AIBL and in the fourth chapter, I added the conclusion and recommendation if needed. So, overall performance of AIBL is improving day by day. Because most of the people in our country are religious minded and that they want to take a position their money consistent with Islamic Shariah.
- General [1385]