Assessing Training Mechanism Between Public Bank and the Private Bank
Training is necessary to give a batter service to the customers because through the training
employees can learn to many things about their job area. So more confidently we can say that
training is very essential part for our banking sectors.
The project report is about the employee training mechanism difference between private bank
and public bank in Bangladesh and their basic differences. In this report we are focusing on
the mechanisms which is related with the banking training sector. How private and public
banks in Bangladesh are giving training to their employee further development. Through this
report we want to explain the thing which is directly or indirectly related with the training
mechanism of banks. At first this report is focusing on their types of training which they
provide to their employees and then their elaborate description with specification. After that
we are discussing about some survey questioners which is completed by their employees and
then by observing the survey and description, we give our focus on their differences which is
playing a big role for their overall employee output. This report is a complete overview of
training mechanism of certain banks in Bangladesh.
- General [1377]