Financial Statement Analysis of Grameenphone Limited
As the direction of my supervisor, the main purposes of doing the project report are to
reveal and disclose the financial health and performance of Grameenphone Ltd. by the
support of vertical analysis and twenty-three different types of ratios for the five years
period of 2015 to 2019. A report has must there some objectives and during the time of
preparing this report has scopes and limitations also.
Literature review of this report where it describes what the financial statement analysis
is, and narrates here what the researcher are conceived about it with their quotations.
Types of Financial Statements Analysis and in which way and when it should be used
by how much data it needed to conduct analysis also narrates here. The Overview of
Organization also discusses broadly, describing Grameenphone Ltd.’s profile, visions,
missions, organizational journey, etc. as requires for the study.
The most important and main part of the study is the Findings and Analysis, where
describes extensively about Grameenphone Ltd.’s financial health and financial
performances with both numerical and graphical figures which aid to achieve a deep
and direct understanding of financial statements.
At the end, where it reviewed how much Grameenphone Ltd. was fulfill their
management, shareholders, and customers' expectations and make the conclusions with
emphasis on, in which area they need to further develop and implement immediate
- Accounting [252]