General Banking Activities of Jamuna Bank Limited
An internship program plays a crucial role in providing a simulation of a real job experience. A better balance among theory and practice can be increased to complete this program. The report is a combination of three months internship program with Jamuna Bank Limited. I recognized different banking functions and day-by-day banking operations on my way to complete an internship.
The goal of this report is to obtain knowledge about the general banking activities of JBL. Primary as well as secondary data are used for preparing this report.
In the 1st chapter, I have discussed the introductory part, which has been developed to execute the entire report properly. Chapter Two discussed the “company and industry preview,” including company profile with Jamuna Bank’s history, its vision, mission, objective, core values, strategy, ethical principle, products and services, SWOT analysis, and operational network organogram. On the other hand, industry preview, including banking industry analysis with porters five forces study. In the third chapter, I have discussed General Banking Activities. I have mainly described the working experience of my internship period in JBL – Pragoti Saroni Branch, which is the core part of this report. Because it includes my job position, duties and responsibilities, my Contribution to the departmental functions, my observation and evaluation, skills applied, and new skills development, etc. The remaining part consists of recommendations and a conclusion.
Lastly, I evaluate that Jamuna bank provides better service to its customers, which plays a vital role in our country’s economy.
- General [1379]