Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)
For every business student it is every crucial to know the real face of the business industry. That’s the reason why private universities organize their courses along with an internship/project report. This last 3 credit program helps students to relate the real world with their bookish knowledge.
To accomplish my project report, I have chosen the topic on “Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)” of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). I sorted the report into total 3 chapters. The first chapter contains basic introduction about EMH. Objectives of this report, the implicit objective is to complete the BBA Degree & the Explicit Objective is to know the reflection of market price efficiency of DSE. The limitations of the study, it is almost impossible for an outsider to figure out each details of the company. Confidentiality and limitation of the project time is the main problem for this report. Then Methodology, for the purpose to complete this report I have used all the secondary data I manage to found through different magazines, books and websites. Chapter 2 is designed with the introductory information of Dhaka stock exchange & about “The Efficient Market.” It also contains descriptive information about Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), comparison of stock price return and the market anomaly. Chapter 3 is the ending part of this report with conclusion and references.
- General [1329]