Analysis of AB Bank Ltd. & Commercial Banking Industry in Bangladesh: An Internship Experience Perspective
Banking sectors in Bangladesh have much developed since the beginning of the banking era this country. It has engaged people’s life in many ways. Financial institutions are one of the major sources of government revenue and they are the heart of a nation as they play a vital role in the economy. Banks are one of the most important area among those financial institution. In recent in our country status is least development country to lower middle income country. Used financial asset Banking Industry creates in our economy wealth, also our GDP increase day by day. The year of 2041 we all hopes Bangladesh became a develop country.
Here specified our commercial banking industry-when similar group of companies that provides banking related products and services in our economy. In recent, private sector bank trying to some initiative taken to developed more. We can see ABBL export increase rather than its import and they must belonging growth stage in our industry cycle. At present technology is the most important for banking industry. When big loan sanction political interference and government regulation most probably affected. Political environment like Hartal, Strike that impact banking performance and occurring loss. Technological innovation captured customer satisfaction and trust. Day by day increase ABBL POS, ATMs that can be more useful for their customer money transaction and mobile banking save time. Here also show Porters Five forces model that present buying power, threat of substitute, powers of suppliers etc. Now 2nd generation bank entrance in our market like- Southest Bank, Dhaka Bank these are the main competitor for ABBL. They capture market share and good brand image capture rather than 1st generation bank. It is the big challenge for ABBL and opportunity to improve customer service through develop new product and create more brand image to show creative Adds in electronics way and develop innovative technology.
AB Bank is the premier sector bank in Bangladesh it has been already passed 38 years. Although there are so many operating in the country and many more to come, but the competition among these banks is going higher and higher day by day. ABBL mother bank is Bangladesh Bank, their requirement ways AB Bank capital reserve rate more than 9%. Becoming a pioneer banking institution in our country it can be vision. This bank contributes our national economy also in our competitive market it can be provide superior services. This commercial banks offering its client different savings account, modern deposit, mobile banking, debit and credit card facilities, month to month scheme and so on. At present they open number of branch outside Dhaka and Chittagong city most probably they targeted rural customer. AB Bank products mainly Consumer and Corporate Banking based. Their customer mix is small to medium companies, entrepreneurs, corporate client etc. Day by day growth of total deposit ratio, remittance increase but now EPS decline, but 2020 their EPS increase compared to year 2018 and 2019. Their SWOT show internal and external their current position in our competitive market. In our banking industry ABBL has more strength, and their threat create political unstable environment, government regulation, money laundering etc. ABBL need to overcome this threat and take challenge.
My internship experience has been for three month, this three month I got practical knowledge and experienced of banking related activities. Here I have mainly worked account opening department. Branch senior colleagues properly guided me, helps to understand their terms, different products and services, they evaluate my regular work daily basis, and proper direction provided me. Here I had to get informal training facilities. Some skilled applied here such as basic computer skill, communication skill etc. and some skilled developed when working here like- interpersonal skills and improve communication skill that helps to cope up with new environment. My academic knowledge helps to understand easily banking task, terms and activities. Bank and finance close to each other so, finance related all subject helped my work area
Some recommendations include for improving banking operation and improving my-self performance. I recommended the bank management to provide continuously formal training facilities for their existing and new employee and intern for better performance and also recommended to provide proper compensation packages like promotion, recruitment etc. and their employee must need to provide qualified customer service. And they need to serious to their intern because they are the part of the bank brand image and performance. If the intern happy their banking environment then their self performance increase and they provide better service within their internship period. So, in our economic growth most essential is banking sector their contribution is more, day by day AB Bank modernized for their innovative products and service. AB Bank customer trust and confidence that helps to improve their profit because they most effective way traded their stocks.
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