Promotional Activities of Aarong: A Leading Brand in Retail and Lifestyle Industry in Bangladesh
This report is about the Promotional activities of Aarong, a popular lifestyle and retail brand in Bangladesh established in 1978 with the purpose of reducing poverty from the rural area. Aarong is an enterprise of a non-profit NGO BRAC. From 1978 to now, in that long journey, Aarong now has 21 outlets with Taaga outlet and also give online service with their web page. With that online service, they provide home delivery service also with various delivery options. Aarong has 13 AAF centers from where Aarong collects their products. More than 70000 artisans all over the country earn their livelihood from work with AAFcentere. In this report the first chapter is all about origin, a brief introduction of Aarong, objective, scope and limitation of the study. Here detailed information is given about Aarong. Chapter two is the methodology part that discusses the data collection method and types of data. The third chapter is about background, logo, mission, vision, values, growth, operational activities, product line, and channels of promotion, competitor analysis, and swot analysis. The next chapter is about research findings and analysis. After all of those, the last one is about the conclusion, recommendation, and reference.
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