Internship report. on Reenacting the efficiency of The ICT Hub
The ICT Hub is the most popular growing company in the ICT sector in Dhaka now a days. The ICT Hub actually do a lot of creative development. Recently ICT HUB started working with Government for some project of social awareness. A large quantity of foreign client have faith and dependable on us. Basically software making, website making, database management, server system management and lot of thing.
The ICT Hub evaluates financial progress and learns about regular transactions. Identifying the loopholes is also an important part. For analyzing the financial performance to conduct the report it has been used secondary information. In the first chapter of the report includes the economic, industry, and company analysis. There is also a portfolio of the company. The second chapter is based on theoretical information. Informative calculation and ratio have conversed in this report. Virtual, Horizontal, Ratio and SWOT analysis are discussed in the third chapter. The strong and weak part of the company visualized with data in this particular part. Some findings and recommendations also highlighted in the fourth chapter. The efficiency level and development process are explored with the help of strengths and weakness. Lastly the final chapter contains the conclusion portion. The importance of an internship and teamwork is necessary for corporate life is nicely defined.
- Finance [265]