Adoption of Conversational Assistants in Banking
Nowadays in Information Technology is the Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the keywords. These days it is seeing how drastically we are depending on intelligent virtual objects. Since the present studies speak a lot about IoT concepts through methodical review of scholarly research papers, corporate white papers. Moreover, this research article focuses on the purpose and uses of CA, both negative and positive sides of using CA. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to investigate the adoption of conversational assistants among consumers using the technology acceptance model (TAM). Quantitative Data analysis had been followed using a structured questionnaire. The sample size consisted of 181 respondents from a variety of backgrounds. Multiple regression analysis showed that out of five independent variables, four variables affected intention to use Conversational Assistant. However, perceived usefulness was found insignificant to have an insignificant impact on intention. It has got implication for the Bank marketing managers regarding how consumers adopt conversational assistant. So marketers should focus on increasing perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and perceived trust and reduce the perceived risk in their CA.
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