Trader characteristics, usage of technology and Herding Behavior in the Stock Market of Bangladesh
We all know that Herding behavior refers to how individual decisions are influenced by group behavior. Herding behavior most occurs in financial market, stock market, and in case of trade imbalance and also investor’s decision varies on herding behavior. In this paper researcher try to find some Empirical evidence related to herding behavior from china stock market, Indian stock market and japan stock market. In this chapter researchers will discuss about how collect samples by which method they surveyed. How researcher prepares their questionnaire how can researcher record all the information first? In that time Researcher visited lots of brokerage house. At first in to their office and asked them are they interested in fill up a question which is related to their work. After completing survey researcher prepared data by using Microsoft office word and Microsoft excel etc. At first make a survey questionnaire in a word file after that converted into PDF file. Mainly researcher try to find out that in this paper, how like Does technology affect small investors herding behavior.
- Finance [265]