Loan Processing and Credit Appraisal of Dhaka Bank Limited
In Bangladesh banking system has through 3 stages of progress, these are privatization, nationalization and economic section enhance. DBL commenced its banking career as a private limited bank on the date of July 5, 1995. I have done my internship program from DBL as the part of my under graduation program. I have been appointed in General banking and credit department at the time of my internship period. Though I worked in both general banking and credit department but actually appointed in credit department for working. My internship report going to cover about introduction and background of the organization, loan processing and credit appraisal of the organization, analysis and findings and recommendation on the basis of my knowledge acquired. Opening new accounts, making dormant account letter, preparing charge document sheets, CIB undertaking etc. were my major responsibilities in DBL. My activities were determinate in opening account segment and clearings and bills segment. DBL provided me a specific PC to login with a username and password for doing computer activities. I was imputed to provide account related information to the clients. Daily, my major obligations became capturing updated and old data associated with opening account after that proclaim these facts to customers whose are fond of opening account. In DBL, I also ready up and fulfilling fresh and old documents of credit and general banking department. The report relies on my important observation whereas operating within the credit section of DBL. One of the major activities of any bank is loaning. Bank provides loan to clients and also laid up clients’ money too. In my report I explained about different types of loans and their procedures as well. For providing any kind of loan needs various documents. I have to fulfill these documents like CIB undertaking, Charge documents etc. as a part of credit department.
- Accounting [252]