Online banking system of the Dhaka Bank Limited
BBA program is designed in such way that requires a three months internship at the end of the program. I was doing my internship at Dhaka Bank Limited. At the end of the internship require to submit a report. This report is on “Online Banking System of Dhaka Bank Limited One of the renowned private commercial banks is Dhaka Bank Limited. Their online Banking system is bewildering among the business. Their focal objective is to achieve enormity in banking so in online banking structure in addition. Dhaka Bank Limited is established in the year of 1995. By and by it has 101 branches wherever all through the country including 2Islamic money related branches, 3 SME Services Centre’s, 20 ADMs and 56 ATM s. It was set up by recognizable Bangladeshi government official Mirza Abbas in 1995.
First chapter to the report covers introduction of the report. Introduction of the report includes a short introduction, then origin of the report, then objective of the report, then topic of the report, importance of the report then methodology of the report lastly include limitation of the report. Chapter two covers company overview that includes history of Dhaka Bank Limited, mission statement of Dhaka Bank Limited, vision statement, corporate values, sponsor shareholders, organizational structure of Dhaka Bank Limited, organizational hierarchy, and departments of Dhaka Bank Limited. Chapter three covers literature review on online banking system. Then chapter four covers the most important things “Online Banking System of Dhaka Bank Limited”. Chapter four includes definition of online banking then requires equipment for Online Banking, features of Online Banking, then different types of online banking services of Dhaka Bank Limited, Dhaka Bank Limited network design, network implementation and configuration. Now the last chapter of the report chapter five recommendation and conclusion part includes my activities, finding problems then recommendation and lastly conclusion of the report.
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