Talent Management Process Applied by Linde Bangladesh Limited
Talent management refers to recognize a person's innate ability, personality & offering him a correct job. This is a greeting to both the company and the employees. Salute the company to increase productivity and efficiency; A good link between individuals' creation and business goals; Taking on valuable staff; Low turnover; Bench strength increases and is a good fit between people's work and skills. Benefits employees from higher incentives and commitment; Career development; Increase knowledge and contribute to company goals; Sustainable recognition and job satisfaction
Talent Management has the capacity to learn and improve in the face of new challenges. Talent management is about future prospects than the past track records. Then talents can be calculated in terms of the specific characteristics, like- the eagerness to take hazards and acquire information from the wrong things, a moderate (but not very higher) level of goals and competition, the capacity to concentrate about the 'bigger image' problem, and their individual strengths, restrictions, and so on. Therefore, to get the good workplace, the strategy is to ensure its success In order to set the altitude in several talent management processes is important for us to have a chance. This national process identifies talent, aligns with strategic goals to identify talent, retention, future leadership of the industry, compensate for extraordinary performance of all its role in the organization, develop a career with appropriate training, managing information, compensation, continuation planning, etc.
- General [1403]