Report On Investment Mechanism of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited
Since March 30, 1983 Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. started its activity with a view of the community welfare oriented banking and Islamic sharia based financial activity. At present IBBL is operating is operating with 342 branches where included 59 AD branches & 30 SME branches in all over the country and IBBL serving its valued customer through diversified banking activities. The whole banking process is divided into three sections. These are General banking, Investment and Foreign Exchange Division.
The main objective of this report is to analyze and focus on the overall mechanism of investment management operations, regression analysis and profitability indicator of IBBL. This report gives a clear idea about it. The report has been segregated into five separate chapters for the convenience of the reader. The first chapter is introductory part. It shows an idea about the origin, objectives, significance, scope, methodology, and limitation of the report. The second chapter shows about profile of the organization like, History of IBBL, mission, vision, objectives, values, features, organogram, products and services, and world rating performance of IBBL also. In chapter three, the author has been discussed about the process of investment management of IBBL. In chapter four, I describe the deposit and investment management of IBBL with addition I tried to show trend and growth analysis, regression analysis, Profitability indicators and comparative analysis year by year and all of this SWOT analysis, for understanding properly I analyze and present the numerical data and values with different chart & table with help Microsoft word & Excel. The chapter five indicates the recommendation and conclusion.
So, the overall deposit and investment performance of IBBL is increasing day by day. Moreover, the IBB’s deposit and investment management policies are effectively shaped with all rules and regulations of the Bangladesh Bank and the Islamic Shari’ah.
- Finance [263]