Marketing Strategies of Standard Bank Limited (SBL)
In Bangladesh, economy is now heavily relying on banking system. Banks are making significant role to balance the economy of our country. Banks are making assure that the money could be used in the deficit zone from the surplus zone. For this, the banks can confirm a steady drift in economy to expand our industry and overall development. Standard bank Ltd knowing as third generation commercial bank organized on 11th may, 1999. Hence, based on that specific need and demand this bank incorporated with a realization of arranging a new set of standard of banking and focused on satisfactory progress from its commercial operation.
This report mainly contains 6 parts and each part contains subsidiary parts, Part 1- introduce of the report Part 2-overview of the organization, Part 3-Marketying Strategies of Standard bank Ltd, Part-4 activities undertaken by me, Part 5-SWOT analysis and Findings and lastly part 6- Recommendations and conclusion. This report also contains a very important part called ‘Things I have learned from my internship”. The main goal of this report is to gain knowledge about marketing strategies applying on SBL
The marketing strategy views that the Standard Bank Ltd is having equable and sustainable growth; the two groups must be satisfied for the new customer and old customer. At present, the bank should make a good attempt to keep new customers and build a strong relationship with the customer. In this way, we can say that marketing is a service oriented.
- Marketing [303]