An Evaluation of Service Convenience in Banking Service: A Study at the Dhaka Bank Limited
In today’s dynamic competitive service environments, providing satisfactory value in the form of service convenience to the consumer is imperative. Service convenience is the customer time and effort perception compared to the buying and using of a service from a service provider. This study is based on the evaluation of service convenience in banking service at Dhaka Bank Limited. Dhaka Bank Limited is a very organized bank and they value the legal rules and systems no matter what the situation is. Although Dhaka Bank Limited is a 3rd generation private bank, still it performs most of its work manually whereas other banks started to perform those work by using new software, necessary for generating more customer convenience. Among the other influencing factors service convenience acts as a prime determinant for customer service in the banking sector. Today lots of both public and private commercial banks are operating in Bangladesh. To get more customers and satisfy them, these financial institutions are competing severely with each other. Accordingly, more and more banks are paying their attention to make their services convenient for their customers. This study dealt with the four service convenience including access convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience, and post benefit convenience. Their natures are discussed in detailed and these conveniences are compared with the service convenience of Dhaka Bank Limited. Several positive and negative areas are isolated from the analysis. Based on the results of this qualitative study several recommendations are forwarded so that management can pay their attention to these vita areas to improve.
- General [1385]