Financial Performance Analysis on Pharmaceuticals Companies
Bangladesh is a country of potentiality. There are lot of industries in Bangladesh. The pharmaceutical industry is growing faster. There is a huge demand of medicines both in domestic and international markets. This project report is prepared on the performance analysis of some leading pharmaceutical industries. The focus is on their financial position. There is company profile, mission, and vision of BEXIMCO PHARMA, SQUARE PHARMA, ACME, IBN SINA, ACI Ltd. It also included the ratio analysis from 2014 to 2018. They have lacks in performance. I have added recommendation and findings to overcome these problems. All of the companies are the future of Bangladesh’s drug industry. They are not only doing business but also helping the economy to grow. They are following corporate social culture, providing employment and empowering women in the society. I have suggested some ways they can provide help and flourish their business.
- General [1326]