Digital Banking Services of the City Bank Limited
The topic of “Digital Banking Services of the City Bank Limited” report is required for the partial fulfillment of the course “Internship” and as a prerequisite for the completion of BBA program. This report is based on three month working experience of City Bank Limited. I worked on legal department of City Bank Limited at 10/Dilkusha, JibonBima Tower, Motijheel, Dhaka-1000.Twelve young businessmen set up the country's first private commercial bank in 1983, and now City Bank Limited is one of Bangladesh's finest private commercial banks. The City Bank Limited has won several awards for their outstanding banking facilities over the past three years. The City Bank Limited has total 132 branches all over the Bangladesh, they have 3858 employees and 17, 00,000 customers, they have 369 ATM + CDM, 3 Airport Lounges, and 7 priority centers all over the Bangladesh. The City Bank Limited is sole franchisee of American Express in Bangladesh. The City Bank Limited brings “Citytouch” to provide digital banking service for their customers. I think it’s the country’s best digital banking services in Bangladesh because last three years I’m using this “Citytouch” digital banking services, I got excellent service from the “Citytouch”. Citytouch - Digital Banking Service from City Bank brings you the simplest way to handle banking. The service brings all branch banking conveniences together to your internet-enabled devices screen. Now you can purchase air tickets from major distributors, pay mobile phone bills, credit cards & colleges; transfer funds, maintain track of your accounts: Current, Savings, Fixed Deposit or Loan, and do much more through Citytouch. Experience Citytouch's best-in-class digital banking services from all City ATMs throughout the nation. City Bank’s online banking application, Citytouch, has reached a user base of 121,780 people, representing a growth of 45.9% as compared to the user base in 2017. These services greatly help ease the customer’s banking experience, in line with the demand of e-commerce and electronic banking services in the country. Notably, the Citytouch app registered a throughput of 15 lac transactions (51% growth YoY) with a combined volume of BDT25,540 m (75% growth YoY) in 2018, which reflects the increased use of online transactions and services by their customers. Day by day increasing their digital banking “Citytouch” users and City Bank set target 5 lac Citytouch customers within 2021, which is our 50 years of independent day of Bangladesh.
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