Use of Technical Analysis in Bangladesh Capital Market
Security Analysis means valuation of securities by forecasting future price movements. Analysis
involves collecting information, processing them and providing an outcome. To analyze a
security, we must have proper knowledge about its past sales, trade volumes, patterns, financial
data, price and macroeconomic factors. The objective is always to determine the intrinsic value
of a security so that investors can earn abnormal return and limit losses by trading securities.
Technical Analysis, one of the two renowned methods of security analysis, refers to the analysis
conducted by the technical analysts/chartists/traders to predict the future price of a security
through its past prices, volume of transactions, patterns and trends. This kind of analysis includes
analyzing the charts i.e. identifying trends, classifying different patterns, considering trade
volumes and using various technical indicators in graphs for different shorter and longer time
frames. However, the three very important and basic assumptions or principles of technical
analysis are the market discounts everything, price moves in trends and history tends to repeat
According to EMH theory, a fully functional and efficient security market has to be either strong
form efficient, semi-strong form efficient or weak form efficient. If a market is not at least weakform
efficient, it is not efficient at all. In this case, technical analysis is beneficial for investors. If
the market is efficient, intrinsic value of securities equals their market value. On the other hand,
if the market is inefficient, it is considered either bullish or bearish. Bullish market refers to the
situation where most of the securities in the market are overbought or overvalued. In contrast,
Bearish market refers to the situation where most of the securities in the market are oversold or
Support and Resistance Level is one of the very basic and important concepts of technical
analysis determined by market psychology as well as demand and supply. Support Level refers
to the point below which it is difficult for the stock price to drop down. Resistance Level, on the
other hand, is the point above which it is hard for stock price to climb up.
Trend is a general direction formed by a series of high/peek and low/through of stock
movements. Trends are primarily classified into upward trends, downward trends and
horizontal/sideways trends. Based on their lengths, they can be further classified into long term,
intermediate term and short term trends.
Chart Patterns are different shapes or forms that are usually repetitive in nature and provides
continual or reversal signals that help technical analysts understand future trends and movement
in the direction of prices. Furthermore, a chart is the graphical representation of movements in
the stock prices over a single period of time where closing price of each trading day is usually
plotted in the graph. In technical analysis, chartists, also known as technical analysts, use charts
to identify patterns and movements of future stock prices.
Indicators refer to the tools or techniques used by the chartists conducting technical analysis in
the trading market to predict the movement and identify trends in share prices. Some of the
famous indicators are Moving Average, Simple Moving Average, Exponential Moving Average,
Moving Average Convergence Divergence, Relative Strength Index, Elliott Wave Theory,
Bollinger Bands, Breadth of Market Theory, TRIN Statistic or ARMS Index, Put/Call Ratio and
so on.
If we observe, we can see that many important technical indicators have been used by analysts to
identify security values and predict future prices in Bangladesh capital market. Some of the
notable ones are Moving Average, Exponential Moving Average, Relative Strength Index,
Bollinger Bands and Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD.
By conducting technical analysis using all five indicators mentioned above on three renowned
Bangladeshi companies like Square Pharmaceuticals Limited, Mutual Trust Bank Limited and
IDLC Finance Limited), we have come to this realization that the movement in the stock prices
of Mutual Trust Bank Limited has been stable throughout the better part of July, August and
September but there is a chance they might have to face bearish signal in the upcoming future.
Moreover, Square Pharmaceuticals Limited might have experienced short term upward trend in
the movement of stock prices in the last couple of months but is currently in bearish position.
Finally, IDLC Finance Limited has been in bearish position for quite a time now. This situation
is getting more severe and extreme every day since January 2019. Their stock prices have
decreased around 50% approximately within last 8 months.
In conclusion, we can say that Bangladesh Capital Market i.e. Stock Exchange is highly volatile,
full of uncertainty and mostly bearish. Thus, stock prices are depreciating rapidly and the market
is considered highly inefficient. Therefore, Investors should do their home works and analyze the
market as well as individual company stocks properly before throwing away all their life’s
savings in the market.
- Finance [265]