Audit Procedure of Verification of Alternative Cash Assistance of ACNABIN Chartered Accountants
This report, titled “AUDIT PROCEDURE OF VERIFICATION OF ALTERNATIVE CASH ASSISTANCE OF ACNABIN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS” is a result of the BBA in AIS Internship Program. Such programs help us apply our understanding of theoretical knowledge to practice. This report details the audit practices of ACNABIN Chartered Accountants for motivational purposes provided by the exporters to Bangladesh, with good working relationships with many international and national consulting firms for providing services to ACNABIN Bangladesh clients. On November 25, ACNBIN was ranked the number one audit firm in the country to monitor banks and financial institutions. The Regional Inspector / Audit Office of the United States of Singapore on November 25 approved ACNBIN for financial audits of USAID funding recipients in Bangladesh. During this twelve-week internship program, I worked in the firm's cash incentive audit department where my main responsibility was to verify alternative cash assistance files and prepare related work paper files. Therefore, the main focus of this study relates to the knowledge that have been gained in training and personal experience working in this section. In this report, the primary part is composed of an introduction, purpose, scope, limitations, and method of study. The second part of this report discusses ACNABIN. In the third part, I discussed in detail the audit method of ACNABIN. In the following section, I have discussed cash incentive files, the procedure for checking the terms and conditions of Bangladesh Bank, as well as the savings of Bangladesh Bank.
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