Talent Acquisition Procedures of Pickme Ltd.
Piickme Ltd is fully a Bangladeshi Transportation technology company which provide several E-Commerce & other Services of Bangladesh and Established in 2018. The form of the report is used to identify how theories and concepts can be exercised in the aspect of IS (Information System) of Piickme Ltd. Generally, primary source and secondary source were used to prepare this document. Primary source came from my regular observation, Interview with Head of HR & administration & other department. Secondary source was collected by website, PA guidelines and so on. Trying to diminish the distort and generate an equitable report. The Piickme Ltd. is the rapidly growing online transportation organizations in Bangladesh because they are highly performance oriented. Hence, different kinds of management development programs are introduced to update their employee’s performance. Here we try to look out how Piickme Ltd. operate their talent acquisition procedure. Trying to provide some recommendation which may help to improve their process. Finally, this report is a combination of the theories and concepts regarding talent acquisition that is used in Piickme Ltd. for attaining the academic purpose.
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