Consumer Satisfaction of Taste Me: A Brand of Social Marketing Company
Social Marketing Company, Bangladesh (SMC) began its journey in 1974 as a project to handle the speedy population growth in the country. It was set up by Population Services International (PSI), a US-based INGO under an agreement with the Government of Bangladesh and USAID. In 1990, after having achieved important success, the project was born-again to a not-for-profit private limited company with a voluntary Board of Directors. In 2014, SMC formed SMC Enterprise Ltd, a completely owned for-profit subsidiary to separate profitable activities from noncommercial to assist effectively manage a growing and complicated operation that might no longer function smoothly under a single unit. So after working in this organization anyone can feel they are the part of the CRS (Corporate Social Responsibility). This report represents the working experience of an intern of overall marketing activities of SMC which is expressed as a report. The main objective of the program is to experience the practical knowledge of marketing sector and implementation of academic education in the practical corporate world. The other objective is to know the marketing system to deliver the consumer service of SMC toward consumers. The study is disclosed as a descriptive manner, and the data are collected through the practical working knowledge, discussion with the employees and consumers and some from many articles and many reports of the company. There were some limitations while compiling the report from those time constraint was the major factor. This internship report reveals the historical background, origins of the SMC, products and services offered by the SMC, procedure of the activities, etc. The mission, vision are also briefly introduced. Based on the observation and survey with the customer through “Consumer satisfaction of BOLT” form, some positive points and some weak points of their services have been found. SMC provides so many attractive offers and products which are very much beneficial to the consumer and by which it can beat the competitors as well. This organization is highly technology updated which adopts any new technology very fast and each and every employee is highly motivated because of the work environment. Moreover, to keep pace with changing economic condition, SMC has to focus on level of satisfaction of both consumers and employees and has to provide far better consumers experience through pleasant consumer packages.
- General [1374]