Measuring Service Quality In Dutch Bangla Bank Limited.
The study is about to measure service quality in one of the leading private banks in Bangladesh Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL). The study only concerns with the customers who have opened accounts in Dhaka city and receive services. The bank has been operating its services in this country for 22 years. The bank provides a lot of services through its large number of branches and other service-providing sectors. The study is conducting for the requirement of my BBA program as well as the practical experience of how to accomplish research with the real-life data. Even by this research customer satisfaction level can be identified, what is the actual service quality that DBBL provides to its customer can also be measured. To do the research SERVQUAL method is used. One hundred valid customers of DBBL in Dhaka city are treated as the sample of this study. Respondents are asked 22 questions separately with the expectations and perceptions basis. 7- Points Likert scale is used to mark each of the statement where 1 is strongly disagree and 7 is strongly agree. The questionnaire is send to each customer through gmail and social media. One by one hundred responses are collected then, analysis is done by using Excel and SERVQUAL technique. A customer satisfaction threshold benchmark is set to measure the perception level. All the five dimensions average perception scores exceeds the customer expectation level except three statements included in the questionnaire. Overall results are positive with the service quality of DBBL. Most of the statement exceeds the customer expectation level. There is a very little gap with the expectations one statement of tangibility and two statements of empathy scores a negative gap. The only recommendation is to reduce those three statements which fail to match the expectation level through their internal strategies and techniques.
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