Employees Role and Customer Satisfaction in Financial Service: A Study on Southeast Bank Ltd.
The aim of this report is to analyze the employee roles and customer satisfaction in the Southeast Bank limited, hid study uses the services quality dimensions in relation to the employee’s role played to the customer services. The variables considered for analysis included tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This three-month study at the Southeast bank how do employees show their tangibility aspect. In addition, this report acknowledges different banking function. And day to day banking operation on my way to complete internship.
This report discusses with different chapter such as, First chapter deals with introduction, motivation of the study, Objectives of the study, Scope of the study, Significant of the study. Second chapter deals with History of southeast bank, Nature of Southeast bank, Vision, Mission, Corporate culture, Products of southeast bank, Corporate social responsibility,7 PS of southeast bank, Literature review Study Variables Hierarchy of southeast bank. Third chapter deals with internship experiences. And last of all fourth chapter deals with findings and analysis. Recommendation and conclusion.
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