Sales Promotion Practices of Square Food and Beverage Limited
Being an intern of the MIS team of Square Food and Beverage, I have chosen the topic base on my job responsibilities and practical knowledge which is titled “Sales Promotion Practices of Square Food and Beverage Limited. This is one of the largest and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Company in Bangladesh. There has the four Brand in Bangladesh Market Like Ruchi, Radhuni, Chopestic and Chashi, and Radhuni is the number one brand in Bangladesh. According to your company policy, they offer various types of Trade/Sales promotional programs (Trade program, Gift program) that programs are increasing company sales, profit margin and maintain the relations with Retailers and Distributors. This report provides an in-depth analysis and interpretation of their trade program. Moreover, details about pre requisitions and planning of programs, budgeting and implementation of the program, accurate auditing and disbursing rewards for filling up targeted sales are explained through the levels of arranging promotional programs for Company’s business customers and final consumers. After analyzing the overall “Promotional Programs” with its actual outcomes, I have found some issues; those are associated with the levels of these programs. And based on those issues, I have pointed out some actions, which can decrease the possibility of happening such on-going problems. Therefore, I have tried to apply my theoretical and practical knowledge of marketing, finance, accounting, Human Resource Management, and Management information system to prepare the report and to explain the problems in term of benefitting Square’s promotional programs in case of Square Food & Beverage.
- Marketing [303]