Digital Marketing Practices in Bangladesh
Several years ago, some researches showed about the opportunity based on software and information technology sector in Bangladesh. The ICT sector started in Bangladesh 1990s although some researchers conducted in several studies in 1960s. This ICT industry first time practiced online marketing in Bangladesh.
There are many IT companies in our country and some are very famous such as Bangladesh software development, Southtech Group, 4axiz IT Ltd., Brain Station 23, Tiger IT Bangladesh Ltd., My Soft IT, Dream71 Bangladesh Ltd., Web Park Bangladesh, Roopokar, Softbd Ltd., etc. which is practicing digital marketing over the years.
In Bangladesh, digital marketing is not free from restrictions. It also has some risks and limitations in our country. Most of the people in our country live in the village and many villages there is no electricity and the internet. So, it is not possible in Bangladesh to use only digital marketing to attract all the customers. As a result, a company applies both digital and physical marketing. On the other hand, the internet is available in the city where people are willing to make a change in their habit. To use digital marketing, a company needs to invest some money to create a website, and it takes time than physical marketing. After analyzing the digital marketing practices in Bangladesh, it can conclude that digital marketing gain popularity in Bangladesh day by day, and most of the companies use this marketing nowadays.
- Marketing [303]