Export Trade on Foreign Trade Department of Al-Arafah Ismali Bank
I have prepared my internship report based on internship program that I had successfully completed in AL-Arafah Islami Bank, Banani Branch from as a requirement of my BBA program in Faculty of Business Administration, United International University. My topic is “Foreign Trade activities of AL-Arafah Islami Bank”. In this report I described about foreign Trade activities of AL-Arafah Islami Bank. The overview helps to understand how their performance and it was also helps them to take decisions in future. The first chapter shows different aspects of the report like a brief introduction, rationale, objectives, background of the company, vision, mission, commitments, products and services, board of directors etc. Second chapter shows Activities Undertaken. In this section, Work-Related / Organization Wide activities were provided. I described about activities relating to foreign exchange like Import L/C operation, shipping the goods, Issuance of FDD, Collection of FDD. Other relevant activities are also provided in this chapter. I provided other activities which I did like document entry and passing and opening savings account. The third chapter is very important part of this report is about the constraints/challenges. In this chapter I described constraints/challenges which are Identified/Observed in the Organization. I also described constraints/challenges which are relating to my Academic Preparation. Chapter 4 is entitled lesson learned from the internship program. In this part I described about my learning from the internship program. This chapter is included my learning about my various types of skills, lessons, knowledge and behavior. Chapter 5 is about concluding statement. I include Recapitulation /Summary and Suggestions. In Chapter 6 I included Proposed Improved Plan. And lastly, I have included the references from where I take important information. Then I attested my one copy CV as appendices.
- Finance [265]