Internship Report On General Banking Activities OF United Commercial Bank Ltd
Banking sector is a very essential part in this modern era. No one can think a single day without financial sector now-a-days. If a person needs loan like business, study, home and car loan etc he has to go to the bank. If one needs to withdraw and deposit money, transfer the money, clearing cheque, card services, foreign exchange services he has to take help from the bank. Internship is a process of learning and gaining practical knowledge from a company. Because not only theoretical knowledge we have to acquire genuine knowledge to fit ourselves in a corporate culture. So I have completed my internship from UCBL Bashundhara branch and this report is a requirement for completing my course. At UCBL Bashundhara branch I was consigned to do work in general department, cheque clearing section, card section and credit section. During my three months internship period I tried my best to learn as much as possible. United Commercial Bank is the biggest first generation banks in Bangladesh which has started its journey in mid 1983. It has 187 branches now-a-days. Today UCBL plays a vital role in economic and social development in our country. Through the fulfillment of individual’s requirements, alternative actions, ongoing accesses and expert movement UCBL has already made a unique image in private banking sector in Bangladesh. This report is divided into different chapter. First chapter is introduction, second chapter is my experiences working here which includes my job responsibilities and last one is industry analysis and SWOT analysis of UCBL Ltd. I have tried my level best to give total image on general banking activities of UCBL Ltd. and I have mostly discussed this part in this report.
- Finance [265]