The Procedures of Credit Management of Janata Bank Limited
The internship/ thesis report is a pre-requirement of United International University (UIU) to get awarded the BBA degree. In this process, students need to complete all the courses of the BBA program and in the last of their semester they had to decide anyone between the internship and project program that they want to perform. In internship program students are usually placed by UIU career counsel to any of the practical organization so that students can acquire some practical knowledge that may help them to build a strong understanding between their theoretical knowledge with the real life experiences.
I am highly glad that I got an opportunity to work as an intern in Janata Bank Limited. It’s currently the second largest government owned bank of Bangladesh. The bank is operating credit service for public welfare and business purpose. It finances rural areas of Bangladesh with a little amount of interest compare to the urban areas. It has several options for loan and credits. Some option are specially made for farmers and villagers what really has a great impact on our economy.
The report is going to analyse the procedures of credit management of Janata bank. The first chapter will share the basic and general ideas of the report that will include the background, scope, objectives, methodology and limitations of the report. Chapter two is the literature part where the theoretical concepts will be discussed. The third chapter is share the company overview of Janata Bank Limited. The Fourth chapter is prepared with all the procedures of credit management of Janata Bank Ltd.
After all the analysis, few problems that are found during the internship period, will be discussed in findings of the report chapter and finally some recommendation will be shared for the betterment of the credit management of Janata Bank, Dhanmondi branch. Hopefully, all the suggestions help the managers to improve their service.
- Finance [265]