This report is an internship report prepared as a prerequisite for the achievement of the BBA program from United International University. The main objective of the internship was to publish "the learnings in the workplace" and translate the theoretical ideas into the student's real experiences. In this program, students must join any organization to learn how to perform job responsibilities. During this period, they must prepare their internship report based on this organization and present it to their supervisor.
In this context, after completing my BBA program, I was assigned to City Bank Limited to work as an intern. During these three months of probationary period, I chose to prepare my report on the title "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NON-PERFORMING LOANS AND THE PROFITABILITY OF CITY BANK LIMITED" for my internship report under the supervision of City Bank, Mr. Shafikul Islam (Branch Operations Manager).
The internship report is consist of five elaborate chapter. The first chapter is introduction of the study that describes few necessary side for what the report is being prepared. It includes the background, objectives, limitation or difficulties, methodologies and scope of the study. The Second chapter is about organizational overview that includes history, mission, vision, products. Financial highlights of the city bank limited and so on. The Third chapter is literature Review that help a reader of this study to understand all the key terms easily. The Fourth chapter and the main chapter named the analysis and findings of the relationship between NPL and profitability of City Bank Limited where the data of the percentage of the non-performing loans and the profitability are being analysed by the regression alaysis. The last chapter, fifth chapter consists few suggestion and conclusion for the betterment of the profitability management of City Bank Limited.
- Finance [264]